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Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Actual Generations of Computer in Fact


There are no fixed time intervals that can be represented as the actual duration (period of time) of Generations of Computer. There are several inventors and inventions involved to generate different types of computer in the different time intervals and in different years.

                                                    So there is always a dissent among many of Annalist, Mathematicians and Computer Experts about the time interval in the generations of computer and they have different opinion for this. Most of the writers in their Books give different generations and the time intervals, so I am here going to show you some common lists of generation of Computer.

1. So, According to a few, there are five generation of computer are as follow :-

First Generation           (1946 - 1959)           Vacuum Tube Based
Second Generation      (1959 - 1965)           Transistors Based
Third Generation          (1965 - 1971)           Integrated Circuit Based
Fourth Generation        (1971 - 1980)           VLSI Microprocessor Based
Fifth Generation           (1980 - Present)      ULSI Microprocessor Based

2. According to some others, Five Generations of Computer are as follow :-

First Generation          (1945 - 1955)            Vacuum Tube Based
Second Generation     (1955 - 1965)            Transistor Based
Third Generation         (1965 - 1975)            Integrated Circuit Based
Fourth Generation       (1975 - 1989)            VLSI Microprocessor Based
Fifth Generation          (1989 - Present)       ULSI Microprocessor Based

3. According to some others, Five Generations of Computer are as follow :-

First Generation          (1942 - 1955)              Using Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation     (1955 - 1964)              Using Transistors
Third Generation         (1964 - 1975)             Using Integrated Circuits
Fourth Generation       (1975 - 1989)             VLSI Microprocessor Based
Fifth Generation          (1989 - Present)        Using ULSI Microprocessors

4. According to many Authors, Five Generations of Computer are as follow :-

First Generation          (1942 - 1955)               Using Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation     (1955 - 1964)               Using Transistors
Third Generation         (1964 - 1975)              Using Integrated Circuits
Fourth Generation       (1975 - Present)         Using VLSI and ULSI Microprocessors
Fifth Generation         (Present - Future)       Using Artificial Intelligence

5. But, according to me and many Annalist, Mathematicians and Computer Experts, There are five generation of Computer as follow :-

First Generation           (1940 - 1956)              Using Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation      (1956 - 1964)              Using Transistors
Third Generation          (1964 - 1971)              Using Integrated Circuits
Fourth Generation        (1971 - Present)         Using Microprocessors
Fifth Generation          (Present - Future)       Using Artificial Intelligence

I would like to recommend you to the Last (point number 5.) to say as an answer whenever you will be asked to say the Generation of Computer in any examination or interview, but its fully depend on you that what of all above points will be fit in your list of priority.

Author- Sultan Ansari

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