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Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Actual Generations of Computer in Fact


There are no fixed time intervals that can be represented as the actual duration (period of time) of Generations of Computer. There are several inventors and inventions involved to generate different types of computer in the different time intervals and in different years.

                                                    So there is always a dissent among many of Annalist, Mathematicians and Computer Experts about the time interval in the generations of computer and they have different opinion for this. Most of the writers in their Books give different generations and the time intervals, so I am here going to show you some common lists of generation of Computer.

1. So, According to a few, there are five generation of computer are as follow :-

First Generation           (1946 - 1959)           Vacuum Tube Based
Second Generation      (1959 - 1965)           Transistors Based
Third Generation          (1965 - 1971)           Integrated Circuit Based
Fourth Generation        (1971 - 1980)           VLSI Microprocessor Based
Fifth Generation           (1980 - Present)      ULSI Microprocessor Based

2. According to some others, Five Generations of Computer are as follow :-

First Generation          (1945 - 1955)            Vacuum Tube Based
Second Generation     (1955 - 1965)            Transistor Based
Third Generation         (1965 - 1975)            Integrated Circuit Based
Fourth Generation       (1975 - 1989)            VLSI Microprocessor Based
Fifth Generation          (1989 - Present)       ULSI Microprocessor Based

3. According to some others, Five Generations of Computer are as follow :-

First Generation          (1942 - 1955)              Using Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation     (1955 - 1964)              Using Transistors
Third Generation         (1964 - 1975)             Using Integrated Circuits
Fourth Generation       (1975 - 1989)             VLSI Microprocessor Based
Fifth Generation          (1989 - Present)        Using ULSI Microprocessors

4. According to many Authors, Five Generations of Computer are as follow :-

First Generation          (1942 - 1955)               Using Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation     (1955 - 1964)               Using Transistors
Third Generation         (1964 - 1975)              Using Integrated Circuits
Fourth Generation       (1975 - Present)         Using VLSI and ULSI Microprocessors
Fifth Generation         (Present - Future)       Using Artificial Intelligence

5. But, according to me and many Annalist, Mathematicians and Computer Experts, There are five generation of Computer as follow :-

First Generation           (1940 - 1956)              Using Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation      (1956 - 1964)              Using Transistors
Third Generation          (1964 - 1971)              Using Integrated Circuits
Fourth Generation        (1971 - Present)         Using Microprocessors
Fifth Generation          (Present - Future)       Using Artificial Intelligence

I would like to recommend you to the Last (point number 5.) to say as an answer whenever you will be asked to say the Generation of Computer in any examination or interview, but its fully depend on you that what of all above points will be fit in your list of priority.

Author- Sultan Ansari

Thursday, 3 December 2015

who invented the computer in fact

Who Invented The Computer

Who Invented the Computer is not a question that can be simply answered. There are really no simple answer about the question. The real Answer is that many inventors contributed to the history of computers and that a computer is a complex piece of machinery made up of many parts and each of which can be considered as a separate invention. 

                                                           The calculating machine ABACUS invented by a Chinese (2700 B.C.-2300 B.C.) was the first Mechanical calculating device for counting of large numbers. The word ABACUS means calculating board and the word computer came from the word "compute" which means to calculate. Until the development of the first generation computers based on vacuum tubes, there had been several developments in the computing technology related to the mechanical computing devices. for example Napier's Bones was a mechanical device invented and built by an English Mathematician John Napier in 1617 A.D. for the purpose of Multiplication. Thereafter Slide Rule (1593-1656), after that Pascal's Adding and Subtracting Machine (1642) after that Leibniz's Multiplication and Dividing Machine (1673), after that Punch Card System (1801), after that Charles Babbage's Analytic Engine for Complex mathematical calculation (1823).

                                                               So if anybody says that Charles Babbage had invented the computer, this is not the truth but yes Charles Babbage is called Father of Computer as he invented the base of modern computer and the analytic engine for the computers. Also Lady Ada Lovelace is Called Mother of Computer as she invented the motherboard of computer. So this is obvious that if Mother of Computer is not an inventor of computer then how can we say that Charles Babbage invented the Computer? which means its wrong to say that Charles Babbage (only) Invented the computer. Hence the real answer is that there are so many inventors each of which can be considered as a separate invention.

The Word "Computer" was first recorded as being used in 1913. The term computer is derived from the Latin word "Compute" which means to calculate. The Definition of a Computer remained the same until the end of the 19th century when people began to realize that machines never get tired and can perform calculations much faster and more accurately than any other team of human in various fields. 

Today Computer, Mobiles and Tablets (mini computers) are like a part of body and a must have thing. Today these things are like a part of our life style. The Technology is improving day by day and we are using these Technological Bang (Technical things) like an addiction.

Author - Sultan Ansari

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

what is computer or introduction to computer


The computer system or computer:-

Computer is an electronic device that accepts data from the user as input, processes the data by performing calculation and operation on it, and generates the desired output results. Computer performs both simple and complex operation, with speed and accuracy.
                                      On other hand Computer is an electronic device (Machine) which manipulates the data that is arithmetic and logical data and also controls the system.

The term computer is derived from the Latin word “Compute” which means “to calculate”.

Part of computer system.  i.e. Components:-

Computer system consists of four parts viz-
1.    Hardware
2.    Software
3.    Data and
4.    Users.

                           The part of computer system can be shown by the figure given below.

 (picture:- The Computer System)

1. Hardware:- 

Hardware consists of the mechanical parts that make up the computer as a machine. The Hardware consists of physical devices of the computer. The devices are required for the input, output, storage, and processing of the data. E.g. Keyboard, Monitor, Hard Disk Drive, Printer, Processor, Motherboard etc.

Special Notes:-  we can see and touch the computer Hardware’s. All the physical part of the computer system is called hardware of computer system.

2. Software:- 

Software is a set of programs and program is a set of instructions, so Computer software is a set of instructions that tells the computer about the task to be performed and how these tasks are to be performed. A set of programs and documents are collectively Called Software.
                                                     The Hardware of the computer system The hardware of the computer system cannot perform any task on its own. The hardware needs to be instructed about the task to be performed. Software instructs the computer about the task to be performed. The hardware carries out these tasks. Different software can be loaded on the same hardware to perform different kinds of tasks.

Special Notes:- The computer software is the instructor of hardware to perform the task. Neither we can see (by our eyes) nor touch the computer software.

3. Data:- 

Data means the communication carrier among each computer and computer parts. Data are isolated values or raw facts, which by themselves have no much significance. For example, the data like 25, April, and 1990 just represent values. The data is provided as input to the computer, which is processed to generate some meaningful information. For example, 25, April and 1990 are processed by the computer to give the date of birth of a person.

Special Notes:- Neither we can see (by our eyes) nor touch the computer data. All the information we give to the computer as input is the data also the output generated by the computer is given by the help of data.


Generally the part of Computer Users means people who write computer programs or interact with the computer system. They are also known as skinware, liveware, humanware or peopleware. Programmers, data entry operators, system analyst and computer hardware engineers fall into this category. The Computer system is always used by a people directly or by the help of some automatic instructing programs or softwares.

Special Overview:- 

Two parts out of four of a computer system can be seen and touched which is Hardware and User, and rest two parts of a computer system can’t be seen and touched that is Software and the data.

 Author:- Sultan Ansari

Friday, 20 November 2015

Technological Bang ! The Bang of Bangs

Technological Bang ! The Bang of Bangs

So the question about Technological Bang arises again and again by many people that what is this Technological Bang ? How the spread of Technology is like a Bang ? Today why we need to think about it etc. So the Simple Answer is the very fast accelerating high-growth technology day by day. There are so many universities, scientists inventors and independent researchers are carry on on this way. The most important point to notice is the Time. Yes in the modern time new inventions growing very fast and in every field.

How it takes place !

Many of all Inventors believes that the technology is the best way to be perfect and become number one in all over the world. So the Inventions are growing day by day and technologies are taking the place. To see this post in Hindi Version Click Here. And feel free to click here to go to the Introduction to Computer Page.


Author :- Sultan Ansari