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Friday, 20 November 2015

Technological Bang ! The Bang of Bangs

Technological Bang ! The Bang of Bangs

So the question about Technological Bang arises again and again by many people that what is this Technological Bang ? How the spread of Technology is like a Bang ? Today why we need to think about it etc. So the Simple Answer is the very fast accelerating high-growth technology day by day. There are so many universities, scientists inventors and independent researchers are carry on on this way. The most important point to notice is the Time. Yes in the modern time new inventions growing very fast and in every field.

How it takes place !

Many of all Inventors believes that the technology is the best way to be perfect and become number one in all over the world. So the Inventions are growing day by day and technologies are taking the place. To see this post in Hindi Version Click Here. And feel free to click here to go to the Introduction to Computer Page.


Author :- Sultan Ansari


  1. Very Interesting and Very Useful....
    Please Tell me something about computer software and hardware....

  2. Really so interesting...i wanna know about windows 7

  3. Thanks.... i will post about windows 7 as soon as possible...
