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Sunday, 1 May 2016

Classification of Computer or All Types of Computers

 Classification of COMPUTERS

Nowadays, Computers are available in many sizes and types for different purposes and use.  It may be smaller than a smartphone that can fit in the palm of our hand or may be as large as a room. A computer can be used either by a single user else by hundreds of users simultaneously according to need and availability. Hence, computers can be classified according to Size, Generation, purpose, data handling, functionality, etc.


Computers are designed for different purposes. They can be used either for general purposes or for specific purposes.

General Purpose Computer

As the name suggests general purpose computers are designed and used to perform general tasks whatever we need to do in our daily life. These computers are used for various Applications but they possess low speed and efficiency. The Computers like personal Computer which is used in schools, Colleges, and home are example of general purpose Computer

Specific Purpose Computers

As the name suggests Special purpose computers are designed and used to perform some special tasks. These computers are mainly used for single Application but they possess high speed and efficiency. These Computers can provide the result very quickly and efficiently. The Computers are used in airline reservations, satellite tracking, air traffic control and Scientific Research Centers. Specific Purpose Computers are more expensive as compared to General purpose Computers.


Different types of Computers process the data in a different manner. According to the basic data handling principle, computers can be classified into three categories: Analog Computers, Digital Computers, and Hybrid Computers.

Analog Computers
Analog computers represent data as variable across a continuous range of values. It works on the principle of measuring of parameters that vary continuously in real time, such as temperature, pressure and voltage and measurements obtained are translated in to desired data. Analog computers are used for scientific and engineering purposes. The main feature of Analog computers is that they are very fast in operation however the accuracy of Analog computers is less. Slide rule is an example of an Analog computer.

Digital Computers
These computers operate with information, numerical or otherwise, represented in a digital form. All informations are represented using the digits 0s and 1s that is in binary language. Digital computers can give the results with more accuracy at a faster rate. The computers that we use at our homes and offices are example of digital computers.

Hybrid Computers
Hybrid Computers incorporates the measuring feature of an Analog computer and the counting feature of a Digital computer. These Computers have some characteristic of Analog as well as Digital. It binds the power of analog and digital and uses Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog converters. Hybrid Computers are mainly used in Scientific and some engineering Fields.


Based on physical size, performance and application areas, we can divide computers generally into four major categories: Micro Computers, Mini Computers, Mainframe Computers, and Super Computers.

Micro Computers
Micro Computers are small, low cost digital computers, which usually consists of a microprocessor, a storage unit, an input channel, and an output channel, all of which may be on one chip inserted into one or several PC boards. Desktop computer or PC (Personal Computer), Laptops, PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), Palmtop Computers, Tablets, Smartphones are some examples of Micro Computer.

Mini Computers
Mini Computers are small digital computer, which normally is able to process and store less data than a mainframe but more than a Micro Computer, while doing so less rapidly than a mainframe but more rapidly than a Micro Computer. It is capable of supporting from 4 to about 200 simultaneous users. Some of the widely used mini computers are PDP 11, IBM (8000 series), and VAX 7500.

Mainframe Computers
Mainframe Computers are Ultra High Performance Computer made for High Volume, processor intensive computing. It consists of a high end computer processor. Normally, it is able to process and store more data than a mini computer and far more than a Micro Computer. Moreover, it is designed to perform faster than a mini computer and much faster than a Micro Computer. Mainframes are the second largest (in capability and size) of the computer family. Examples of mainframe computers are IBM's ES000, VAX 8000, and CDC 6600.

Super Computers
Super computers are the special purpose machines. A super computer has the highest processing speed at a given time for solving scientific and engineering problems. These are also used by military strategists to simulate defense scenarios. It can process a large number of information and make extensive calculations very, very quickly. Super Computers are the fastest, costliest and most powerful computers available today. CRAY–3, Cyber 205, and PARAM are examples of Super Computers.. 

 Posted By - Sultan Ansari

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Computer Memory Unit Details what is MB GB TB in Computer

Computer Memory Unit Details


 8 Bit       = 1 Byte

1024 B   = 1 KB   (Kilobyte)

1024 KB = 1 MB (Megabyte)

1024 MB = 1 GB (Gigabyte)

1024 GB =  1 TB   (Terabyte)

1024 TB =  1 PB   (Petabyte)

1024 PB =  1 EB   (Exabyte)

1024 EB =  1 ZB   (Zetabyte)

1024 ZB =  1 YB   (Yottabyte)

1024 YB =  1 NB   (Nonabyte)

1024 NB = 1 DB (Dogabye)

And so on …

                                                       Posted by - Sultan Ansari

Thursday, 31 March 2016

main link

writing soon.........

Monday, 29 February 2016




CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, it is the main part of a Computer system. It is also called the BRAIN of computer. 

                         C =   Central  (In Center, Main, Most Important, Prime)
                         P =    Processing  (Data Processor, Supervisor, Controller, Operation Co-coordinator)
                         U =   Unit  (The Part, Thing, The Component)

Central Processing Unit - CPU controls, coordinates and supervises all types of calculations and mathematical operations. It processes the input data and generates the desired output result. CPU consists of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU) and Resisters.

ALU - As the name suggested it performs all the arithmetic and logic operations on the input data.

CU - Control Unit - It controls the overall operations of the computer. It checks the sequence of execution of instructions, controls and coordinates the overall functioning.

Registers- CPU Consists of a set of Registers for Temporary Storage of the processed data, but due to very small and limited storage capability we always need to use use an optional / additional data storage device which is called HDD or Hard Disk Drive.


RAM Stands for Random Access Memory. Since the interaction between user and computer get slow due to small amount of storage (Registers) provided by the CPU, hence Ram is used to store data and instructions during execution of the instructions.

RAM is used to increase the execution speed and interaction between a User and a Computer, As much as RAM you have (2GB,GB, 8GB etc.)  The CPU will be Faster and will process data fast and quickly. RAM is expensive and has a limited storage capability. It is a Volatile memory. it can't retain any information after the computer is the powered off.


ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It is the non volatile storage device of a computer system. it store's the BIOS of the Computer system. The BIOS provides the most basic information about storage devices, boot sequence, security, plug and play capability and other items. The Computer loads data (BIOS) from ROM. It makes sure that all the major components of the computer system are working and functioning properly.

You Can read the ROM but can not write, but Nowadays there are several types of ROM's are available like custom ROM, re-writable ROM, etc in which you can read as well as write the data according to your need and choice.

Cache Memory

Cache Memory is another very important physical part of a computer system. cache memory is a very high speed memory placed in between RAM and CPU to increase the interaction between a RAM and CPU. Each time whenever RAM needs to execute some instruction or anything need to load from HDD or anything else it takes more time to execute and process the data. so cache memory is used to reduce the time and increase the processing speed.

For example if a person opens a particular website or address on to his computer again and again then Cache Memory remembers it and so it opens this page very fast comparing to other web pages. Cache Memory is very expensive comparing to RAM.

Author - Sultan Ansari

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

What Is the Full Form of Computer in Fact?

What Is the Full Form of Computer?

Actually The term Computer is not an abbreviation, it is a word itself. So, There is no any full form of the word computer in fact. The word Computer is derived from the Latin word "Compute" which means to calculate. So, it is obvious that if Computer is a word then there is no any full form of the word.
                                                          The question that what is the full form of computer is generally asked by someone or somewhere including in some computer training Institutions and students try to give an answer of the question. For example:-

                                                                  C  =  Common
                                                                  O  =  Operator
                                                                  M  =  Machine
                                                                  P   =  Particular
                                                                  U   =  Users
                                                                  T   =  Trade
                                                                  E   =  Educational
                                                                  R   =  Research

Also, Many Students and book Authors give a full form of the word Computer is as follow:-

                                                                  C  =  Commonly
                                                                  O  =  Operated
                                                                  M  =  Machinery
                                                                  P   =  Processor
                                                                  U   =  Users
                                                                  T   =  Technology
                                                                  E   =  Educational
                                                                  R   =  Research


                                                                  C  =  Combined
                                                                  O  =  Operational
                                                                  M  =  Machine
                                                                  P   =  Provide
                                                                  U   =  Users
                                                                  T   =  Typing
                                                                  E   =  Education
                                                                  R   =  Register

                                                                 and many more……

But we can see that the Answer of the question are different as there is no any fixed full form of the word because I have already said that computer is a word itself not an abbreviation for some words.

Now let us take example of some abbreviations:-

                                                              SDO  =  Sub Divisional Officer
                                                              DSP   =  Deputy Superintendent of Police
                                                              NGO  =  Non-Government Organization
                                                              USA   =  United States of America 
                                                              UNO  =  United Nations Organization
                                                              LED   =   Light Emitted Diode
                                                              LCD   =  Liquid Crystal Display


Moreover, The Conclusion is that we generally made a full form of such type words but in fact there is no any Full Form of these words.

Author - Sultan Ansari